Wednesday 10 September 2008


I hate the voice. The voice that tells me things. The voice that tells me that I am useless, ungainly, unlovable. The voice that tells me I can't do anything. The voice that tells me I'm letting people down. The voice that asks what the point is. The voice that keeps harping on, a ceaseless drone underpinning everything.

Why can't I listen to the good, bright voices? Why are they so much harder to hear? The voices that tell me I'm loved and valuable, that this patch will pass, that the only one I have to please is God? The voices that tell me of all the wonderful things I have, the people I have, the joys that can be found every day?

I need to learn to listen.


  1. Sorry for the last flippant comment. You must've snuck this post in while I was writing it!!

    We read Isaiah 66 at work on Tuesday, with one of my favourite verses:

    "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word."

    In the end we only have an audience of one. And there's only word to us that really matters, that we need to tremble at: the word of God's love to us embodied in Jesus (Jn 1:1-18). No one can take that away from us (Rom 8:39).

    I know you know that. But none of us can hear that enough!

  2. Thanks Mark! Such good things to remember...and dessert's good to remember too!
