Friday, 10 December 2004

tis december

well here we are at the end of another year. i don't quite know how that happened...

i have just come back from a week-long conference for work in canberra. it was a wonderful conference on ministry and evangelism, with around 900 university students from all around the country, and the end of a long preparation period for us in the office. a lot of my projects were tied to the conference so it was very satisfying to have them all finished and to get lots of positive feedback on what i'd been doing.

the thing i love most about conferences like that is the music - the singing was wonderful. the band was fantastic (and it meant i got to hear libby christmas again, who is fast becoming one of my favourite chick drummers), the singing led by mark peterson and julie morrow - julie has such a gift for that, she really connects with the audience and has a smile that just makes you smile back. when we lead the music at church on sundays, sometimes it's a challenge to actually get the congregation looking like they have a pulse at all, so to stand in llewellyn hall (at ANU) and belt out songs with 900 other people also belting them out just makes your heart soar.

having worked the whole week, though, i am just a wee bit tired. back in the humid heat of sydney...ew. feeling like it's about time to get festive but haven't really got the energy. also no money this year! just checked my bank balance and it makes me feel a little queasy, but i've decided to bake extra special dark chocolate brandy fruit cakes for people instead of buying presents. last year i tried to do that but the cakes didn't work as well as i'd like so i ended up eating most of them...oops...