Saturday 14 May 2005


yesterday was the launch of our weekly kids club and it was brilliant! we had 25 kids turn up, most from kensington public, and only 3 of them already come to our church. some of them were familiar from KASM, the holiday kids club we ran last year, and all of them were from john or jeremy's scripture classes. and we all had a ball!

the team we have is a really good one, a mix of older leaders (i'm the eldest) and some people from youth group, and i think the mix of personalities is just right. we have a few ideas people and a few who are willing to just get in there and do it and a few who are happy to be far so good. and the best part is we're all really focused on the fact that we're doing God's work and the excitement of teaching these kids about Jesus. there is so much that i take for granted from my upbringing, from Sunday School, from reading Bible stories at home, from a weekly club that my 'godmother' ran - "oh everyone knows that!" - and it's easy to forget that many people have never even opened a Bible, let alone learned about what it says.

the time went so fast yesterday. i'm still used to KASM, where we'd have the kids for up to nine hours a day - kids plus is only 2 hours a day (we have to call it kids plus because we're using that material from youthworks...the name is growing on me). it seems like we spent the whole day setting up and getting things ready and then it was over. i like this pace, much better than having to fill in time like we often did in KASM, but i also need to get used to its rhythm because i feel like i didn't have any time to actually chat to any of the kids or play the games because i was collecting money, and helping set up afternoon tea and all that kind of stuff.

as an aside, we have great t-shirts - what is it about Christian groups, uni theatre groups and revue performers that we get so excited about the t-shirts? easily identifiable tribes i guess.

anyway...hopefully the numbers will continue to grow, our enthusiasm won't diminish, the kids will really love finding out more about Jesus and we will form some lasting relationships with them and their families. praise God!

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