Friday 14 July 2006

end of an era

today we go to pick up the keys to mum's new flat in clovelly. she is moving out of the luxury eyrie in raleigh park (as the owners want to move in), and although very stressed about the whole moving experience, she seems pretty positive about living in clovelly. i'm looking forward to seeing the new place, and am going to help her move/clean/buy extra homewares stuff today (we've already tried out the deli that's three doors down from her place, and it's good).

i also gain a new flatmate out of this - mum's flatmate dave is coming to live at my place as part of what heath called the flatmate exchange program (i get a flatmate, mum gets an empty spare room).

sadly, the move means that we will no longer have the wonderful view that makes the place at raleigh park seem so peaceful. i have absorbed this view so much over the last couple of years; it's always nice to have somewhere to gaze out upon when trying to think through things. still, now i can go down to clovelly beach and sit on the rocks and watch the ocean, which definitely has its charms. :)

i took my last opportunity to take some sunset pics from the balcony the other day, hope you like them.