Tuesday 21 August 2007

bullet point mania

  • I'm moving soon - moving back in wiz mum. We're going to find a nice big house with no or few steps (Claire, you'll be pleased to know that at the moment am fixated on Stanmore) with a space for me to write in and where I can get a cat!
  • Mum has to have a knee replacement (part of the reason we're going to live together again and why the house has to have few or no steps), and it is becoming more urgent that she have the surgery and it's a Really Big Scary Thing. Also expensive.
  • To that end, we have had an incredible windfall. My dad is coming through and giving/lending (not sure which yet) us a considerable amount of money so mum can have the surgery and we can move as soon as possible. Yay dad!
  • Some lovely friends who may not wish to be named (not Voldemort) are going overseas and have come to an arrangement whereby mum and I can buy their car from them and take a year to pay for it! Hooooray.
  • God rocks. When he answers prayer, he really answers it.

This was going to be a longer post with all sorts of things in it, but I think that's enough for now. Lots of good stuff.

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