Tuesday, 23 October 2012


So the problem is I don't like being told what to do. (None of us do, right? That's our whole problem...but that's the topic for another post)

I briefly forgot this. I thought that it would be great to have someone decide what I ate and tell me what exercise to do and how to change my mindset. Turns out I didn't like it so much.

I got so frustrated and sick of the 12WBT program that I ended up just not doing it...which isn't great a) because I'd paid for it and b) because I was in danger of undoing the work I had done. It's a great program, honestly, and I don't deny that it gets results. It does. I just didn't respond so well to the whole culture of it.

But some good realisations and behaviour changes have come of it.

  • I've stopped binge snacking, like I was doing.

  • I have a better understanding of the amount of food I actually need to function, and am aware of how much I ate that was completely unnecessary.

  • I understand that my enjoyment of food and cooking for people is a big part of my life, and that is often not possible when on a program like this. Social eating is a big part of how I build relationship with people, and I don't want to forego that by being stingy about food or avoiding social eating situations altogether.

  • I enjoy exercising to feel good.

  • I don't enjoy exercising to the point of feeling unwell.

  • The gym can be fun.

  • I don't mind Michelle Bridges as a trainer on her exercise DVDs - that is definitely her forte, and her DVDs are really good - but I don't much like seeing and hearing her everywhere.

  • But I do like her fitness clothing from Big W.

  • I like being fitter.

  • My identity and self worth does not depend on my weight, what I eat, or whether I exercise.

It hasn't been at all a waste. But I recognise I need to do what works for me. So until the end of the 12WBT, I'm going to keep referring to the exercise plans. But I have gone back to counting points and Weight Watchers, as that style of program suits me better.

The report of my blog's death was an exaggeration

Mum: "Have you shut your blog down?"

Me: "...no...is it not there?"

Mum: "It's there but it's not...doing anything."

Perhaps I should post more.