Saturday 19 May 2007

a fascinating update

Nothing much has been happening. I've been lying in bed, sitting in front of the TV, lying back in bed. Thank goodness for the laptop though - keeps me sane.

I seem to be healing nicely, although I'm coming up in attractive yellow bruises around the keyholes (I have the keyholes, but where are the keys?). Mum was a bit worried about me yesterday as I was feeling really rotten, and she was anxious that they had let me out of hospital too soon. So as we couldn't get onto my specialist we rang Nella, who is becoming the font of all knowledge concerning emergency gallbladder ops (she had one too) and she said that she definitely took a couple of weeks before she started to feel better. I am not worried, I expected to feel this way more or less. But the good news is that the pain and nausea I was feeling before the op seem to be non-existent! Hurrah!

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