Monday 16 July 2007


Had quite a good weekend after a bit of an emotional blip in the middle. Saw the lovely Baddeleys on Friday night for dinner and Buffy (almost at the end!). Went to the gym on Saturday and my trainer pushed me really hard so now I'm walking around like the tin man from the Wizard of Oz, with very stiff legs. Mum took me to La Premiere at Fox to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which I loved (even though Bethany hated it, I thought they did a good job condensing what must be almost impossible books to condense).

Then that night I just got irrationally emotional, as happens from time to time. I went to bed and lay in the dark, praying about things, but each thing that I prayed about suddenly became a huge, terrible, impossible problem. For example, I started praying that my mum's sore leg would get better and that the doctor will be able to give her some answers about it. That turned into 'what if she has to have surgery and it goes wrong and she dies? I can't live without my mum!', which turned into me bawling. I eventually realised the irrationality of that whole thought process, reined my thoughts in and got the prayers back on track, only to be derailed by something else dramatic within the next minute. I told Dave about it and he said "Man, how do you do that? If it was me I'd just be going 'Lord, make my mum's leg better'. You ought to be a writ...oh wait, you are a writer."

Anyway, Sunday was much better. Church in the morning, then in the afternoon mum and I picked up Freda and we went to the Observatory Hotel (my favourite Sydney hotel) for high tea, and oh it was delightful. I had 'white peony' tea, which was lovely, as well as all the delicious things to eat. The three of us had a great time and wonderful conversations. Mum truly spoiled us this weekend; it's so nice to be able to do these things once in a while, and to spend time with people you love. (Mum's going to hate these photos, but sorry mum...I like them! That's her on the left and Freda on the right.)

Then mum and I went to Wild St Church to hear Mark preach on Jonah, which was great, then home to crash. I went to bed early but still didn't feel like I got enough sleep. There's something to be said for hibernation.


  1. Hi Rebecca,

    I wandered over from Karen's blog to comment about Faithful Writer and saw these photos. They are certainly attractive, but it does rather look like your mother and Freda just caused you to vanish in a blinding flash of light :)


  2. Ha! I did notice that...they are quite magical women, though, so it's entirely possible. :)
