Wednesday 27 February 2013

dictation needs work

I'm always trying to find ways of making my mind-numbing commute more useful. I've already documented my listening to audiobooks - the only real downfall of the audiobook is when you finish it mid-commute. Then you get the bizarre stentorian American voice barking at you, "AUDIBLE HOPES YOU'VE ENJOYED THIS PROGRAM", which is always at odds with whatever you've just been listening to. And you can't really download the next book over 3G or while you're driving, so you're stuck.

This happened today. And I thought, hey, I could dictate a blog post. That would be useful and efficient and even though I was only going to complain about not wanting to get dressed for work, sometimes people enjoy those day-to-day kind of blog posts. So I put in my earpiece and started the Dragon Dictation app and merrily chatted away as I drove.

I feel the resulting work of abstract art Dragon produced is far more entertaining than any blog post I could have actually written.

I'm good inhabit my cupboard good morning, hallowed by invitation. I look at the back at correcting it had blathered and look at the back of Dreckman their hand loudly and publish you get it on the cupboard floor indicated me that I was being ridiculous. Belleplain any Clayview why couldn't I get becoming to where?
At least one thing was clear - I was being ridiculous.

1 comment :

  1. Your dictation sample is hilarious. That is totally the quality of mobile dictation. Have you tried the built-in dictation options in Windows 8 or OS X? Do they do a better job with your dialect?

    Found your post while researching the phrase “Audible hopes you’ve enjoyed this program.”
